GraphQL v0.6.0
7 months ago by Jordanco Trpcevski
Changes Summary
Based on the GraphQL schema, here are the release changes. This schema introduces a variety of types, inputs, interfaces, and enums designed to enhance the GraphQL API's capabilities, particularly focusing on Schema Public Access, Leaderboard, Reward and Profile. Below is a structured documentation to outline these changes:
Release Changes
GraphQL schema graph and it's federation subgraph publicly available.
- leaderboard: Get a specific leaderboard by ID.
- leaderboards: Get all leaderboards related to application.
- leaderboardEntry Get a specific leaderboard entry by ID.
- leaderboardEntries Get all leaderboard entries related to application.
- rewardBalance: Get a specific reward balance for given profile and reward ID.
- rewardBalances: Get all reward balances for given profile and reward ID's.
- blockedProfileIds: Get all blocked profile ID's.
- blockProfile: Block given profile by ID.
- deleteProfileBlock: Unblock specific profile by blocked ID.
Type Profile is extended to contain relation type rewardBalance and rewardBalances data.
Type PollVote is extended to contain relation type rewards data.