GraphQL v0.8.0
7 months ago by Akshay Garg
Changes Summary
Based on the GraphQL schema, here are the release changes. This schema introduces a variety of types, inputs, interfaces, and enums designed to enhance the GraphQL API's capabilities, particularly focusing on Badge, Reward, Profile. Below is a structured documentation to outline these changes:
Release Changes
- badges: Get all badges by application ID.
- badgeProgress: Get a non earned badge progress by badge and profile ID.
- earnedBadges: Get all earned badges by profile ID.
- awardBadge: Create an award badge for profile.
- revokeEarnedBadge: Revoke earned badge for profile.
- rewardTable: Get a reward table by ID.
- rewardTables: Get all reward tables by application ID.
- createRewardTable: Create reward table.
- updateRewardTable: Update reward table by ID.
- deleteRewardTable: Delete reward table by ID.
- linkRewardTableWithProgram: Link reward table with program ID.
- unlinkRewardTableWithProgram Unlink reward table with program ID.
- invokeRewardAction: Invoke a reward action.
Type Profile is extended to contain relation type to profileRelationship
- field incomingProfileRelationships: Get incoming profile relationships.
- field outgoingProfileRelationships: Get outgoing profile relationships.