How to destroy live like javascript sdk?
I need to reset javascript sdk on logout.
Posted by rahul about 1 year ago
How to update live like profile image?
We are trying to update profile image of live like user but there is no way we founded using javascript sdk. Also we needed sender_image_url in message event.
Posted by Rahul Nainwal over 1 year ago
Show widget as message in livelike-chat component
Hello, as I understand from docs (, your SDK does not support showing any widget component as message in a chat, does it?
If possible, please tell me how to implement it.
Posted by Dima Astreyko over 1 year ago
Integration with modern frameworks like React or Vue.js
How does one integrate LiveLike to a modern website, which does not use just vanilla js? What about TypeScript support?
Posted by Josh Smith over 2 years ago
How do I integrate with my own analytics platform?
How can I integrate analytics data coming from LiveLike into my own analytics provider? If I am using a service like Segment, Google Analytics, Firebase, etc. already, how can I add LiveLike data to it?
Posted by Justin Poliey about 3 years ago
What kind of analytics data does LiveLike capture?
Posted by Justin Poliey about 3 years ago
Customising Web SDK chat via CSS
The documents mention that the chat can be customised via css as Custom Theme's do not yet support the chat. Can you point me to the CSS Property Reference as the link from appears to be broken?
Posted by Andy P over 3 years ago
Supported platforms and browsers
Which operating systems, platforms, and browser versions are supported by the SDKs?
Posted by Justin Poliey over 3 years ago
Integrating LiveLike chat with Vue web application
I'm running into problems integrating the live chat with our Vue application, getting the warning `[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: livelike-chat`. I believe the problem stems from the fact that LiveLike init creates the chat into a `<livelike-chat>` element but Vue sees the `<livelike-chat>` tag and attempts to find a LivelikeChat component.
Is it possible to configure LiveLike chat to use a different element with a class or ID identifier so that Vue won't try to resolve it to a component? Something like `<div id="livelike-chat"></div>`
Posted by Andy P over 3 years ago
Video playback performance
What effects can the LiveLike SDK have on my video player or video playback performance?
Posted by Justin Poliey over 3 years ago