Listing Widgets

List Widgets For Program

Each program has a widgets_url hyperlink field that can be requested to get all of the widgets created that program. The widget history resource is paginated.

import requests

# Fetch program resource
r = requests.get('')
program = r.json()

# Fetch all of a program's widgets with widgets_url
r = requests.get(program['widgets_url'])
history = r.json()

Filtering Widget Lists

The default behavior is to return all widgets that have been created. The list responses can be filtered by the status parameter. The valid statuses are:

  • pending List widgets that have been created but not scheduled
  • scheduled List widgets that have been scheduled but not yet published
  • published List widgets that have been published

Example: List Only Published Widgets

# Fetch only published widgets in a program
r = requests.get(program['widgets_url'], params={'status': 'published'})
history = r.json()

Widgets can also be ordered by most recent.

# Fetch widgets ordered by most recently published
r = requests.get(program['widgets_url'], params={'status': 'published', 'ordering': 'recent'})
recent_history = r.json()

Widgets can be filtered by kind as well. Multiple kind parameters can be given.

# Fetch poll widgets ordered by most recently published
r = requests.get(
        "status": "published",
        "ordering": "recent",
        "kind": ["text-poll", "image-poll"],
	      "widget_attribute": "key:value",
      	"created_by_id": "91e9bbf9-1a51-48c6-a7fe-e0bd8cc3fc64"
recent_poll_history = r.json()

By default the API will return 20 widgets per-page. This limit can be increased with the page_size parameter.

# Fetch poll widgets ordered by most recently published
r = requests.get(
        "status": "published",
        "ordering": "recent",
        "kind": ["text-poll", "image-poll"],
	      "widget_attribute": "key:value",
      	"created_by_id": "91e9bbf9-1a51-48c6-a7fe-e0bd8cc3fc64"
        "page_size": 100
recent_poll_history = r.json()


Widgets Page Size

The maximum number of widgets that can be returned in a single page is 1,000. But be careful fetching large numbers of widgets in a single API call since rendering them on the client device can cause issues with performance and memory usage. Using smaller page sizes and a "Load More" button can help to alleviate those issues.