Chat Message Links
Controlling whether or not links are clickable in chat messages
The stock chat message UI can be customized to automatically make links inside chat messages clickable. By the default URLs inside messages will not be made clickable, but that setting can be toggled, and the logic for recognizing URLs can be customized.
Web SDK Integration
Property Name | Property Type | Description |
enableChatMessageURLs | Boolean | To enable showing of clickable links to matching valid urls. By Default it is disabled. |
chatMessageUrlPatterns | String | Comma Separated Regex Strings. These values will be used to create Regex pattern and match message text to create links. |
To enable message links add the attribute messageurls to the livelike-chat
element. For comma separated url regex set messageUrlPatterns
property of livelike-chat
element. For Eg.
/* below class is added to anchor links, integrators can use this class to
update the style of anchor links. For Eg. change color of link*/
const livelikeChat = document.querySelector('livelike-chat');
const regex = /^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/gm;
livelikeChat.messageUrlPatterns = [regex]
Current Limitations with Web SDK
- chatMessageUrlPatterns cannot take regex strings as spaces
- If a user post a sticker and immediately types a url link without any space then it becomes a broke message.
Android SDK Intergration
To show and enable links in the chat, you have to set the value of enableChatMessageURLs to true
chat_view.enableChatMessageURLs = true
For Better performance of this feature, make sure to enable enableChatMessageURLs before setSession
To add links of your own choices like for deep linking, you can add regex to access the chat message text string as linkable or not. For that, you have to set the value of chatMessageUrlPatterns , it should be string.
chat_view.chatMessageUrlPatterns = “Validation RegEx”
Feature Availability
This feature is not available for Flutter SDK as of 4th Aug 2021
iOS SDK Integration
To show and enable links in the chat messages, you have to set the value of enableChatMessageURLs in the Chat Session Configuration or Content Session Configuration.
The value is set to true by default and can be set to false to disable.
class SomeClass {
let session: ContentSession?
let sdk: EngagementSDK
func someMethod() {
let config = SessionConfiguration(programID: programID)
config.chatShouldDisplayAvatar = true
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
session = sdk.contentSession(config: config)
ChatViewController().session = session
let config = ChatSessionConfig(roomId: chatRoomId)
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
To add link validation of your own choice, you can add a regex to determine if the chat message text string is linkable or not. For that, you have to set the value of chatMessageUrlPatterns in the Chat Session Configuration or Content Session Configuration as type String.
class SomeClass {
let session: ContentSession?
let sdk: EngagementSDK
func someMethod() {
let config = SessionConfiguration(programID: programID)
config.chatShouldDisplayAvatar = true
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
config.chatMessageUrlPatterns = "Validation RegEx"
session = sdk.contentSession(config: config)
ChatViewController().session = session
let config = ChatSessionConfig(roomId: chatRoomId)
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
config.chatMessageUrlPatterns = "Validation RegEx"
Updated about 1 month ago