Chat Moderation Tools

Moderating chat inside the CMS

Delete Messages

Chat messages can be removed directly from chats when inside the Producer Suite. Open the message actions menu by clicking the more options icon next to the message, and then select Delete.


Open the message actions menu for the message, and select Delete.

User Reports

Users in chat can report messages, and those reports will show in the Moderation tab for that chat in the Producer Suite. Open the report actions menu, and select Remove to delete the reported message, or Dismiss the report if it is invalid.


Remove the message, or dismiss the report from the Moderation tab.

User Muting

Users can be muted directly from chats when inside the Producer Suite. Open the message actions menu by clicking the more options icon next to the message, and then select Mute. Muted users will not be able to send message in the chatroom


Open the message actions menu for the message, and select Mute.


Future Release - Global Shadow Mute

Shadow Mute functionality will be available early to mid October 2022

Global Shadow Mute

When a moderator labels a user's account as "Globally Shadow Muted", no other user will receive any further messages from that user. The mute will persist until a moderator removes the mute from the user's account. However, the muted user and only that user will receive their own messages as if not muted.

The intended use of "Global Shadow Mute" is to prevent the user from recognizing that they have been muted and subsequently attempting to reenter the chat with another account and re-engaging in behavior that earned the mute in the first place.

Users can be "Globally Shadow Muted" directly from chats when inside the Producer Suite. Open the message actions menu by clicking the more options icon next to the message, and then select Globally Shadow Mute.

The mute state of any muted users can be seen in the producer suit under the Muted tab.


Chat users in muted states

Automatic Moderation

Chat messages can be automatically filtered based on their contents so that the moderation effort can be reduced. Automatic filters can be set up to work in a couple ways:

  • Keyword-driven. If a message contains a word from a list of bad words, it will be filtered. The word lists can be customized.
  • AI-driven. If a message is recognized by an AI model as being objectionable, it will be filtered.


Contact support to set up and configure automatic chat moderation.

Banned Words Customization

Producers can customise banned words for their Application from the Producer Suite.
Banned Words Customisation can be done by using Manual Add/Delete or by Uploading csv

  • Manual-Customization
    Operators can search existing banned word list to filter out words matching the entered string.
    If the word doesn't exist, operators can add that word.
    From the filtered list, operators can remove any word.
    Finally, Operators need to click on Save button to save all the changes made to the banned words list


  • CSV-Upload
    Operators can download the existing banned word list and made changes to that (add/remove words in the csv)
    They would need to upload that updated csv on the Producer Suite to reflect the changes in Banned Word List
