Game Preparation
First games
For the first games we recommend extra prep around:
- Making sure you are comfortable using the Producer Suite in real-time during a game
- Setting up your media library -- this may include player photos, team logos, gifs or emoji useful for emoji sliders, sponsors logos, etc.
- Make sure you will have the streams URLs for use in the Producer Suite and that the events have been created ahead of time in the Producer Suite.
- We also recommend you have the app installed in addition to the Producer Suite
Game preparation
Be the expert
The most important preparation should not be a surprise: it is being knowledgeable about with the event. If you are covering a live sport event it's knowing the sport, the players (stats, injuries, lineups, etc), the teams, the competition and stakes of this game. What's the story around this game: who are the key players, which team is the favorite, and what are the fans' expectations. Especially if this is not the most high profile games, think about makes it interesting and fun, what are people saying or expecting about it? What are the players people care most about?
Prepare the interactions
Using your Editorial guideline, create ahead of time as many widgets as possible. Only prepare what can be prepared, we're not suggesting its recommended having everything ready before hand -- it could feel canned. Prepare to 30-60% of widgets, it will free up your time so you can react to the game, adapt widgets to how the game unfolds, or to the sentiment of fans. Quiz and predictions for instance are great to prepare ahead of time as it can be hard to come up with such questions on the spot.
You can prep some "evergreen" widgets such as: cheer-meters or a few emoji sliders templates with all emojis are ready to go while leaving the exact topic customizable at the last moment.
Delight with stats
If you have access to research packets, you can prepare widgets using specific expert insights or just to keep some data points in mind. Think ahead how you can turn such data into interaction opportunities whether in the form of a poll, emoji slider, quiz, prediction, alerts, etc.
Spark conversations
A widget allows you to share social media embeds. If you plan to include some, we also recommend you think through what social media accounts or hashtags you want to follow. This will allow you to re-share the reaction of the club owner, stars, celebrities, experts, fans reactions, etc.
Social Media Tools
For Twitter, we recommend using TweetDeck to monitor a variety of hashtags and mentions easily. Check out how to get started with with TweetDeck and advanced tips. You may also want to keep an eye on the Instagram pages of the teams.
Updated 9 months ago