Chat Rooms

A guide for managing Chat Rooms

Creating a Chat Room

To create a Chat Room, use the sdk.createChatRoom(title: String?, visibility: ChatRoomVisibilty, completion: (Result<String, Error>) -> Void) method on your EngagementSDK instance. As a result you will receive a String which will represent the newly created Chat Room's Id or an Error object if creation of a new Chat Room fails.


Chat Room Visibility

A chat room visibility represents its exposure to users. At the moment a chat room can be public (.everyone) or exclusive to members (.members). Future work is planned to expand on this functionality further and more states will be added to the ChatRoomVisibilty enum.

class SomeClass {
  let sdk: EngagementSDK
  func someMethod(){
    sdk.createChatRoom(title:"New Room", visibility: .everyone) { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(chatRoomID):
            print("New Room Created \(chatRoomID)")
        case let .failure(error):
            print("Failed creating a room \(error)")

In addition, you can use our backend API to create a chat room, see

Getting Chat Room Information

Information on a chat room can be retrieved by simply calling the getChatRoomInfoBy(id: String, completion: (Result<ChatRoomInfo, Error>) -> Void) function.

class SomeClass {
  let sdk: EngagementSDK
  func someMethod(){
    sdk.getChatRoomInfo(roomID: "<chat room id>") { result in
      switch result {
      case let .success(chatInfo):
          print("Chat Room Title: \(chatInfo.title ?? "No Title")")
      case let .failure(error):
          print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Managing Chat Room Users

See Chat Room Membership

Check User Mute Status

Using our producer suite website, a producer has the ability to mute a user. Muting a user disables their ability to send messages to the room they were muted in. As an integrator you have the option to query our backend to find out whether a user is muted or not. This can be achieved using the getChatUserMutedStatus(roomID: String, completion: @escaping (Result<ChatUserMuteStatus, Error>) -> Void) SDK interface.

let sdk: EngagementSDK

sdk.getChatUserMutedStatus(roomID: "<chat-room-id>") { result in
  switch result {
  case let .success(mutedStatus):
    if mutedStatus.isMuted {
      // user is muted
  case let .failure(error):
    // handle error

Changing User's Nickname

See User Profiles