RN SDK allows you to inject your own Analytics provider to our application. With this, you can capture crucial events and its data within the application.


Your custom Analytics Provider will have a track function which takes two parameters, Event name and track Object associated with that event. You can pass it as an argument while initialising the SDK using useInit.

import { useInit } from '@livelike/react-native';

const sampleAnalyticsProvider = {
  track: (label, data) => {
    console.log(`Tracking "${label}" with data:`, data);

const { profile, loaded } = useInit({
  accessToken: "xxxxxxxx"
  analyticsProvider: sampleAnalyticsProvider,


Snack Expo playground

Refer CustomAnalytics snack expo playground

List of Available Events

Common Component Analytics

Sticker and GIF Panels

Event NameEvent ObjectDescription
Sticker Panel Opened{ roomId: string }Fired each time the user opens the sticker panel.
Sticker Panel Closed{ roomId: string }Fired each time the sticker panel is closed.
GIF Panel Opened{ roomId: string }Fired each time the user opens the GIF panel.
GIF Panel Closed{ roomId: string }Fired each time the GIF panel is closed.

Reaction Panel

Event NameEvent ObjectDescription
Reaction Panel Opened{ targetId: string, targetGroupId: string }Fired each time the user opens the reaction panel.
Reaction Panel Closed{ targetId: string, targetGroupId: string }Fired each time the reaction panel is closed.
Reaction Added{ targetGroupId: string, reactionId: string, reactedById: string }Fired each time the user adds a reaction.
Reaction Removed{ targetGroupId: string, reactionId: string, reactedById: string }Fired each time the user removes a reaction.

Chat Analytics

Event NameEvent ObjectDescription
Chat Room Entered{ roomId: string, room: Object }Fired when a chat room is loaded
Chat Message History Loaded{ roomId: string }Fired when messages have been loaded
Chat Message Sent{ roomId: string, message: Object }Fired when user sends a new message.
Chat Message Failed{ roomId: string, error: string }Fired when user tries to send a message and it fails.
Chat Message Received{ roomId: string, message: Object }Fired when a message is received from any user
Chat Message Deleted{ roomId: string, message: Object }Fired when user deleted a message
Chat Message Reported{ messageDetails: Object, reportInfo: Object }Fired when user reports someone's message
Chat User Blocked{ messageDetails: Object, blockInfo: Object }Fired when user blocks some other user.
Chat Room Exited{ roomId: string }Fired when a user leaves a chat room.
Keyboard Selected{ type: string }Fired every time the user opens the keyboard
Keyboard Hidden{ type: string }Fired every time when the keyboard is closed

Widget Analytics

Event NameEvent ObjectDescription
Widget Displayed{ programId: string, widgetId: string, widgetKind: string }Fired when a widget gets displayed.
Widget Interacted{ widgetId: string, interactionItem: string | Object }Fired at every widget interaction.
Widget Submitted{ widget: Object, interactionItem: Object }Fired when a widget interaction is submitted.
Widget Dismissed{ widgetId: string }Fired when a user takes an action to dismiss the widget, such as when pressing the dismiss button or swiping it away. This is event is not fired when a widget expires on its own.
Alert Link Opened{ url: string }Fired when a link on an Alert Widget is opened.