Widget Interactions

Interaction History

If you are interested in loading the user’s interaction history on a widget. You can do so by calling the loadInteractionHistory method on individual Widget Models.

quizWidgetModel.loadInteractionHistory { result in
	switch result {
    case .success(let answers):
    case .failure(let error):
      print("Error: \(error)")

Interactions for which rewards have not been claimed

To get all interactions for which rewards haven not been claimed yet, use the ContentSession's getWidgetInteractionsWithUnclaimedRewards method to retrieve a list of WidgetInteraction.

session.getWidgetInteractionWithUnclaimedRewards(page: .first) { result in
	switch result {
 	case .failure(let error):
	case .success(let widgetInterations):
		print("Found \(widgetInterations.count) widgets with unclaimed rewards.")