Chat Rooms

A guide for managing Chat Rooms

Creating a Chat Room

Users can create a chat room with an optional title, optional visibility and optional list of ChatRoomTokenGate object.
Parameters: Title(Optional) , Visibility(Optional,Default value: everyone), tokenGates(Optional,Default value: null)
Response: ChatRoomInfo Object, it contains the newly created chatroom Id and title
                object : LiveLikeCallback<ChatRoomInfo>() {
                    override fun onResponse(result: ChatRoomInfo?, error: String?) {
                        val response = when {
                            result != null -> "${result.title ?: "No Title"}(${})"
                            else -> error
                        response?.let { it1 -> showToast(it1) }
                new LiveLikeCallback<ChatRoomInfo>() {
                  	void onResponse(ChatRoomInfo result,String error){
                     	// if result is null then error has some value to show 

Update Chat Room

Users can update the chat room with title and visibility.
Parameters: Title(Optional) , Visibility(Optional)
Response: ChatRoomInfo Object, it contains the updated chatroom Id and title,
                            object : LiveLikeCallback<ChatRoomInfo>() {
                                override fun onResponse(result: ChatRoomInfo?, error: String?) {
                                    error?.let {
                            new LiveLikeCallback<ChatRoomInfo>() {
                  	void onResponse(ChatRoomInfo result,String error){
                     	// if result is null then error has some value to show 

Managing Chat Room Users

See Chat Room Membership

Chat Room User Mute

Using our producer suite website, a producer has the ability to mute a user. Muting a user disables their ability to send messages to the room they were muted in.
As an integrator you have the option to query our backend to find out whether a user is muted or not inside a chat room .<chatroom id>,
                object : LiveLikeCallback<ChatUserMuteStatus>() {
                    override fun onResponse(result: ChatUserMuteStatus?, error: String?) {

Listening to ChatRoom Update

Whether you decide to make the user aware of their status or not, the SDK will show an alert to a muted user once they try to send a message in a room. For more information about chat moderation please see the Chat Moderation page.

To subscribe to listen to updates/changes to the chatRoom, you can use the method setChatRoomListener, the interface ChatRoomListener contains the method onChatRoomUpdate

val chatRoomListener = object : ChatRoomListener {
            override fun onChatRoomUpdate(chatRoom: ChatRoomInfo) {
                // method will auto call when new changes cames from Producer Side
