Sceenic Video Room (iOS)

LiveLike Sceenic Video Plugin allows you to create video rooms. The Plugin also provides certain features to manage the video room and its participants.

Creating a Video Room

To create a Video Room, use the livelikeSceenicPlugin.createVideoRoom(title: String?, description: String, completion: (Result<VideoRoomResource, Error>) -> Void) method on your LiveLikeSceenicVideoPlugin instance. As a result, you will receive a VideoRoomResource which will contain the details of the newly created Video Room or an Error object if the creation of a new Video Room fails.

class SomeClass {
  let plugin: LiveLikeSceenicVideoPlugin
  func someMethod(){
    livelikeSceenicPlugin.createVideoRoom(title: "Video Room", description: nil) { result in
    	switch result {
    		case .success(let videoRoomResource):
        	//Handle Success
    		case .failure(let error):
        	//Handle Failure

Getting Video Room Information

Information on a video room can be retrieved by simply calling the getVideoRoom(roomID: String, completion: (Result<VideoRoomResource, Error>) -> Void) function.

class SomeClass {
  let plugin: LiveLikeSceenicVideoPlugin
  func someMethod(){
    livelikeSceenicPlugin.getVideoRoom(roomID: "<video room id>") { result in
    	switch result {
      	case let .success(videoRoomResource):
        	//Handle Success
        case let .failure(error):
        	//Handle Failure

Join a Video Room

The integrator can use joinVideoRoom(roomID: String, username: String?) to join an active VideoSession.

The integrator can also use the VideoSession object returned using this API to create a custom UI implementation for the Video Room.

class SomeClass {
  let plugin: LiveLikeSceenicVideoPlugin
  func someMethod(){
    livelikeSceenicPlugin.joinVideoRoom(roomID:"<video room id>", username: "<user name>") { result in
    	switch result {
    		case let .success(videoRoomSession):
        	//Handle Success
    		case let .failure(error):
        	//Handle Failure