Leaderboards allow users to compete and see how they stack up against each other. Once a leaderboard has been associated with a Program, users who earn rewards in that program will have them counted toward their score on that leaderboard.
A program can have many leaderboards associated, and a leaderboard can be linked with many programs. This allows you to better capture your own experience's structure, such as allowing all-time, seasonal, or single-event leaderboards. You can even mix and match multiple leaderboards with the same program.
Leaderboard Basics
Each leaderboard has these properties:
- An ID containing the unique identifier of the leaderboard. This can't be changed.
- A human-readable Name.
- A Tracked Reward Item. When fans earn these rewards in linked programs their scores in the leaderboard automatically update.
- A set of Linked Programs that determine which programs are eligible to automatically update the leaderboard.
- An ordered list of Entries, one for each profile ranked on the leaderboard. Each entry contains the profile, their rank on the leaderboard, and their score.
Entries and Score
Each leaderboard maintains a list of entries ordered by rank for each profile ranked on the leaderboard. Entries are ranked high to low by score, where the profile with the highest score has rank 1. In addition to the rank, each entry also has fields for the profile and for their current score on the leaderboard. Score increases each time a profile gains the same kind of reward that the leaderboard is tracking, and only while the program the profile earned the rewards in is linked to the leaderboard. When using automatically-updating leaderboards that track rewards, score only accumulates, it does not go down when the profile spends, transfers, or otherwise depletes their reward balances.
Scores only update when the program is linked to the leaderboard
Rewards earned in a program will only increase score when the program is linked to the leaderboard, and when the rewards earned are the same kind being tracked by the leaderboard.
Setting Up Leaderboards in the CMS
To get started you need to first configure a Reward Item.
When you've configured a Reward Item you can:
- Head to your Application on the Producer Site
- Select "Leaderboards" in the Sidebar
- Select the "New Leaderboard" button
- Set the Leaderboard name, Reward Item, and the associated Program(s).
- Select "Create" to finish
Now, the Leaderboard will be tracking user's progress!
Getting leaderboards associated with a program
You have the option to retrieve all leaderboards associated to a program by using the code samples below. This function will return an array of leaderboards.
class HelloWorld {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboards(programID: "<program id>") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(leaderboards):
//do something with leaderboards
case let .failure(error):
LiveLike.getLeaderboards({programId: "<program id>"})
.then(leaderboards => console.log(leaderboards));
programId, object : LiveLikeCallback<List<LeaderBoard>>() {
override fun onResponse(result: List<LeaderBoard>?, error: String?) {
result?.let {}
error?.let {
final List<LeaderBoard> list = await sdk.getLeaderBoards(<program-id>);
Getting leaderboard details
If you know a leaderboard id, you are able to get its details by using the code samples below. This can be useful if you would like to know the name of the leaderboard or the type of reward a user can earn.
class HelloWorld {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboard(leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(leaderboard):
//do something with a leaderboard
case let .failure(error):
LiveLike.getLeaderboard({leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>"})
.then(leaderboard => console.log(leaderboard));
object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoard>() {
override fun onResponse(result: LeaderBoard?, error: String?) {
result?.let {}
error?.let {
final LeaderBoard detail=await sdk.getLeaderBoardDetails(<leaderBoardId>);
Getting leaderboard entries
A user that competes is considered a leaderboard entry. Use the code samples below to retrieve leaderboard entries for a specific leaderboard. Due to the nature of leaderboard entries growing to a very high number, this call is paginated with each page returning 20 leaderboard entries.
class HelloWorld {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboardEntries(leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>", page: .first) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(leaderboardEntries):
//do something with leaderboardEntries
if leaderboardEntries.hasNext == false {
// you have reached the last leaderboard entry page
case let .failure(error):
// ** Available in iOS SDK 2.48+ **
// Get leaderboard entries filtered by profile IDs
let requestOptions = GetLeaderboardEntriesRequestOptions(
leaderboardID: "<leaderboard ID>",
profileIDs: ["<profile ID 1>", "<profile ID 2"]
page: .first,
options: requestOptions
) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(leaderboardEntries):
// handle success
case let .failure(error):
// handle failu
leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>",
profileIds: ["<profileId1>","<profileId2>"]
.then(leaderboardEntries => console.log(leaderboardEntries));
object :
LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntryPaginationResult>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: LeaderBoardEntryPaginationResult?,
error: String?
) {
result?.let {}
error?.let {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
object :
LiveLikeCallback<List<LeaderBoardEntry>>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: List<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
result?.let {}
error?.let {
final List<LeaderBoardEntry> result = await sdk.getEntriesForLeaderBoard(
<leaderboard-id>, <LiveLikePagination>);
Getting leaderboard entry for a given profile
Details about a leaderboard entry can be retrieved by providing a profile id and a leaderboard id. This can be useful if there is a leaderboard entry you are interested in keeping track of.
class HelloWorld {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboardEntry(profileID: "<profile id>", leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(entry):
//do something with a leaderboard entry
case let .failure(error):
LiveLike.getLeaderboardProfileRank({leaderboardId:"<leaderboard id>", profileId:"<profile id>"})
.then(profileRank => console.log(profileRank));
object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntry>() {
override fun onResponse(result: LeaderBoardEntry?, error: String?) {
result?.let {
error?.let {
final LeaderBoardEntry result = await sdk.getLeaderBoardEntryForProfile(
<leaderboard-id>, <profile-id>);
Getting a leaderboard entry for the current user profile
Retrieving details about the current user's profile can be done using the code samples below. This can be used to look up the current user's ranking in a specific leaderboard.
class HelloWorld {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboardEntryForCurrentProfile(leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(entry):
//do something with a leaderboard entry
case let .failure(error):
LiveLike.init({ clientId }).then(profile => {
LiveLike.getLeaderboardProfileRank({leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>", profileId: profile.id})
.then(profileRank => console.log(profileRank))
// or
LiveLike.getLeaderboardProfileRank({leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>", profileId: LiveLike.userProfile.id})
.then(profileRank => console.log(profileRank))
object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntry>() {
override fun onResponse(result: LeaderBoardEntry?, error: String?) {
result?.let {
error?.let {
final LeaderBoardEntry result = await sdk.getLeaderBoardEntryForCurrentUserProfile(<leaderboard-id>);
Subscribe to the Current User's Leaderboard Position
You can subscribe to the current user's Leaderboard position to receive updates when their position changes.
Minimum SDK Version
iOS: 2.9
Web: 2.0.0
Get LeaderboardClients from Content Session
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
let session: ContentSession
var leaderboards: [LeaderboardClients]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
session.getLeaderboardClients { result in
switch result {
case .success(let leaderboards):
self.leaderboards = leaderboards
leaderboards.forEach { leaderboard in
leaderboard.delegate = self
case .failure(let error):
// handle error
extension MyViewController: LeaderboardDelegate {
func leaderboard(_ leaderboardClient: LeaderboardClient, currentPositionDidChange position: LeaderboardPosition) {
// Do something (ie. update ui)
const widgetContainer = document.querySelector('livelike-widgets');
widgetContainer.addEventListener('rankchange', e => console.log(e.detail));
session?.getLeaderboardClients(leaderboardIDs, object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderboardClient>(){
override fun onResponse(result: LeaderboardClient?, error: String?) {
// result received, do something
Get LeaderboardClient with Leaderboard ID
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
var leaderboards: [LeaderboardClients]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
sdk.getLeaderboardClients(leaderboardIDs: ["my-leaderboard"]) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let leaderboards):
self.leaderboards = leaderboards
leaderboards.forEach { leaderboard in
leaderboard.delegate = self
case .failure(let error):
// handle error
extension MyViewController: LeaderboardDelegate {
func leaderboard(_ leaderboardClient: LeaderboardClient, currentPositionDidChange position: LeaderboardPosition) {
// Do something (ie. update ui)
Getting total count of leaderboard entries
Integrators can fetch the total count of leaderboard entries to contextualize the user’s own rank.
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getLeaderboardEntries(leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>", page: .first) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(leaderboardEntries):
self.sdk.getLeaderboardEntryForCurrentProfile(leaderboardID: "<leaderboard id>") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(entry):
print("You placed \(entry.rank) out of \(leaderboardEntries.total)")
case let .failure(error):
case let .failure(error):
LiveLike.getLeaderboardEntries({leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>"})
.then(leaderboard => {
leaderboardId: "<leaderboard id>",
profileId: LiveLike.userProfile.id
.then(entry => console.log(`You are placed ${entry.rank} out of ${leaderboard.count}`))
.catch(err => console.log(err))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
lateinit var sdk: EngagementSDK
object :
LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntryPaginationResult>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: LeaderBoardEntryPaginationResult?,
error: String?
) {
result?.let {
(application as LiveLikeApplication).sdk.leaderboard().getLeaderBoardEntryForCurrentUserProfile(
object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntry>() {
override fun onResponse(entry: LeaderBoardEntry?, error: String?) {
entry?.let {
Log.d("Entry rank","${ entry.rank} / ${result.count}")
error?.let {
error?.let {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
object :
LiveLikeCallback<List<LeaderBoardEntry>>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: List<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
result?.let {
(application as LiveLikeApplication).sdk.leaderboard().getLeaderBoardEntryForCurrentUserProfile(
object : LiveLikeCallback<LeaderBoardEntry>() {
override fun onResponse(entry: LeaderBoardEntry?, error: String?) {
entry?.let {
Log.d("Entry rank","${ entry.rank} / ${result.count}")
error?.let {
error?.let {
Get Leaderboards a given profile is ranked on
Integrators can fetch the leaderboards a given profile is ranked on.
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getProfileLeaderboards(profileID: "<Profile ID>", page: .first) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let leaderboardEntries):
self.entries.append(contentsOf: leaderboardEntries.entries)
case .failure(let error):
// leaderboard for current profile
.then(leaderboards => console.log(leaderboards))
// leaderboard for a given profileId
LiveLike.getProfileLeaderboards({profileId: "<profile-id>"})
.then(leaderboards => console.log(leaderboards))
var sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.leaderboard().getProfileLeaderboards("<profile_id>", LiveLikePagination.FIRST,
object: LiveLikeCallback<LLPaginatedResult<LeaderBoardEntry>>(){
override fun onResponse(
result: LLPaginatedResult<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
sdk.leaderboard().getProfileLeaderboards("<profile_id>", LiveLikePagination.FIRST,
object: LiveLikeCallback<List<LeaderBoardEntry>>(){
override fun onResponse(
result: List<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
Get Leaderboard views a given profile is part of
Integrators can fetch the leaderboard views a given profile is part of
let sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.getProfileLeaderboardViews(profileID: "<Profile ID>", page: .first) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let leaderboardViews):
self.views.append(contentsOf: leaderboardViews.entries)
case .failure(let error):
// leaderboard views for current profile
.then(leaderboardviews => console.log(leaderboardviews))
// leaderboard views for a given profileId
LiveLike.getProfileLeaderboardViews({profileId: "<profile-id>"})
.then(leaderboardviews => console.log(leaderboardviews))
var sdk: EngagementSDK
sdk.leaderboard().getProfileLeaderboardViews("<profile_id>", LiveLikePagination.FIRST,
object: LiveLikeCallback<LLPaginatedResult<LeaderBoardEntry>>(){
override fun onResponse(
result: LLPaginatedResult<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
sdk.leaderboard().getProfileLeaderboardViews("<profile_id>", LiveLikePagination.FIRST,
object: LiveLikeCallback<List<LeaderBoardEntry>>(){
override fun onResponse(
result: List<LeaderBoardEntry>?,
error: String?
) {
Updated 8 months ago