Chat Session

A Chat Session is your interface to interact with a chat room.

Starting a Chat Session

val chatSession = sdk.createChatSession(
        timecodeGetter = object:LiveLikeKotlin.TimecodeGetterCore{
            override fun getTimecode(): EpochTime {
                return EpochTime(0) //provide your epoch time to enable sync with live video 

        isPlatformLocalContentImageUrl = {false},
        uiDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
  //connect to chat room
  chatSession.connectToChatRoom("<chat-room-id>",object : LiveLikeCallback<Unit>() {
            override fun onResponse(result: Unit?, error: String?) {

Message List

The ChatSession maintains a list of all messages currently loaded into memory. This list is read-only and managed by the SDK - messages that a sent, received, and loaded from history are automatically added to the list.

Sending and Receiving Messages

Sending Messages

                    message, imageUrl = imageUrl, imageWidth = 150, imageHeight = 150,
                    messageMetadata = sampleMapForMessageMetadata(),
                    liveLikePreCallback = object :LiveLikeCallback<LiveLikeChatMessage>(){
                        override fun onResponse(result: LiveLikeChatMessage?, error: String?) {
                            //message sent


Receiving Messages
The MessageListener provide the following method for listening :

  • To observe when new messages are received from other users you need to implement the onNewMessage method of the MessageListener. This will get raised every time another user successfully publishes a Chat Message to the Chat Room.
    Note this listener will also raise if the sender also sent the ChatMessage to the ChatRoom.
  • To observe when the history method call to fetch the history message, this will receive only current connected chatRoom messages. For this, you need to implement the onHistoryMessage method of the MessageListener.
  • To observe when the message is deleted you need to implement the onDeleteMessage method of the MessageListener. This will be raised when the message is deleted from the connected ChatRoom.
chatSession.setMessageListener(object : MessageListener {
        override fun onDeleteMessage(messageId: String) {


        override fun onErrorMessage(error: String, clientMessageId: String?) {


        override fun onHistoryMessage(messages: List<LiveLikeChatMessage>) {
          //history message received for connected chatroom

        override fun onNewMessage(message: LiveLikeChatMessage) {
            //new message received here

        override fun onPinMessage(message: PinMessageInfo) {


        override fun onUnPinMessage(pinMessageId: String) {


Message History

You can request more messages from the Chat Room history by calling the loadNextHistory method on the ChatSession. This will load the next page of the transcript. The default limit is 20 messages and the maximum is 100.


Note The loadNextHistory calls the API to fetch the history list of the ChatMessage object. This will trigger the onHistoryMessage method of MessageListener.