Threading in Chat

Read: Threads in Chat

Sending a Reply

To send a reply pass the parent message’s ID in the sendMessage API

var chatSesson: ChatSession

        message: "<text>",
        parentMessageId: "<parent-message-id>"

Get Replies to a Message

To get the replies to a message use the getChatMessageReplies API and pass the parent message’s id

 var chatSesson: ChatSession

            GetChatMessageRepliesRequestOption(parentMessageId = "<parent-message-id>")
        { result, error ->
            result?.let {
                // list of replies
            error?.let {
                // error

Listening for Replies to a Message

Listening for replies to a message is similar to listening to regular chat messages. To determine if a new message is a reply, compare the new message’s "parentMessageId" with the root message’s id. [<>](Read More)

If the parentMessageID is null then the new message is not a reply.

var chatSesson: ChatSession

chatSession.setMessageListener(object : MessageListener {
                override fun onNewMessage(chatRoom: String, message: LiveLikeChatMessage) {
                  // compare new message's parent id to the chat message id of the message you're listening to replies for 
                 if (message.parentMessageId!=null && message.parentMessageId == chatMessageId) {
                    // this new message is a reply to message with id = chatMessageId

Reactions for Replies

To get reactions for replies we’ll use the Reactions Session

Create the reaction session with :

  1. reaction space id. This can be found in Chat Room Info (getChatRoom) in Chat Client
  2. UsereactionSession.getUserReactions and reactionSession.getUserReactionsCount with target-idwhich will be the message ID of the reply message

Listening for User Reaction to a Reply

Listening for user reactions to a reply is similar to listening to reactions to regular chat messages

reactionSession.subscribeToUserReactionDelegate(<key>,object : UserReactionDelegate {
                    override fun onReactionAdded(reaction: UserReaction) {

                    override fun onReactionRemoved(reaction: UserReaction) {