Chat Session
A Chat Session is your interface to interact with a chat room.
- Message List
- Sending and Receiving Messages
- Message History
Starting a Chat Session
Connecting to a chat room creates a ChatSession object which represents the connection. While this object exists the chatSession will remain connected.
You can connect to multiple chat rooms at any given time.
class SomeClass {
let sdk: EngagementSDK
let chatSession: ChatSession?
func someMethod(){
let config = ChatSessionConfig(roomID: "<chat-room-id>")
sdk.connectChatRoom(config: config) { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let chatSession):
self.chatSession = chatSession
// if you choose to show the `ChatSession` to the user
// you have to set it on the `ChatViewController`
case .failure(let error):
// handle error
Message List
The ChatSession maintains list of all messages currently loaded into memory. This list stores messages in ascending order of the time that the message was published (index 0 is the oldest message loaded). This list is readonly and managed by the SDK - messages that a sent, received, and loaded from history are automatically added to the list.
List access by ID is recommended since the indices will change as messages are loaded from history.
Sending and Receiving Messages
The core of any chat experience is sending and receiving messages.
Sending Messages
You send a message by creating a NewChatMessage
instance and then passing it into the sendMessage
method of the ChatSession.
As a result you will receive a ChatMessage
object representing the new message.
let chatSession: ChatSession
// Send a text message
let textMessage = NewChatMessage(text: "")
chatSession.sendMessage(textMessage) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let newMessage):
// the message was successfully sent
case .failure(let error):
// handle failures
// Send an image message using image URL
let imageMessage = NewChatMessage(
imageURL: URL(),
imageSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
chatSession.sendMessage(imageMessage) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let newMessage):
// the message was successfully sent
case .failure(let error):
// handle failures
// Send an image message using image URL
let imageDataMessage = NewChatMessage(
imageData: Data(),
imageSize: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
chatSession.sendMessage(imageDataMessage) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let newMessage):
// the message was successfully sent
case .failure(let error):
// handle failures
Receiving Messages
To observe when new messages are received from other users you need to implement the didRecieveNewMessage
method of the ChatSessionDelegate
. This will get raised every time another user successfully publishes a Chat Message to the Chat Room.
class SomeClass: ChatSessionDelegate {
let chatSession: ChatSession
func chatSession(_ chatSession: ChatSession, didRecieveNewMessage message: ChatMessage) {
// do something with new message
Message History
You can request more messages from the Chat Room history by calling the loadNextHistory
method on the ChatSession
. This will load the next page of the transcript. The maximum page size is 25 messages.
let chatSession: ChatSession
chatSession.loadNextHistory { result in
switch result {
case .success(let messages):
// do something with the loaded page
case .failure(let error):
// handle failures
The loadNextHistory
returns the messages of the loaded page. These messages are also added to the ChatSession().messages
Sending Custom Messages
To send a custom message, you can use the sendCustomMessage' method in the
ChatSession`. It accepts a string parameter where the integrator can send a JSON Object parsed as String.
chatSession.sendCustomMessage(customString) { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
//Handle Failures
case .success:
//Custom chat message is received on the chatroom
Configure Clickable URLs in Chat Messages
To show and enable links in the chat messages, you have to set the value of enableChatMessageURLs in the Chat Session Configuration or Content Session Configuration.
The value is set to true by default and can be set to false to disable.
let config = ChatSessionConfig(roomId: chatRoomId)
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
To add link validation of your own choice, you can add a regex to determine if the chat message text string is linkable or not. For that, you have to set the value of chatMessageUrlPatterns in the Chat Session Configuration or Content Session Configuration as type String.
let config = ChatSessionConfig(roomId: chatRoomId)
config.enableChatMessageURLs = true
config.chatMessageUrlPatterns = "Validation RegEx"
Deleting a message
Deleting a user's own message in the stock UI has two configurable properties in the MessagesViewController. These properties are set to default by true.
enableUserDeleteMessage is a boolean value to determine if the users can delete their messages in a chat room.
shouldShowDeleteConfirmation is a boolean value to determine if a confirmation alert should be displayed in a chat room when the user attempts to delete a displayed message.
let chatController = ChatViewController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
chatController.messageViewController.enableUserDeleteMessage = true
chatController.messageViewController.shouldShowDeleteConfirmation = true
You can also delete users' chat message in a chat room using the deleteMessage function in the ChatSession. It accepts a ChatMessage type parameter which is the message object to be deleted.
chatSession.deleteMessage(message: chatMessage) { result in
switch result {
case .success:"Successfult deleted Message with id: \(")
case .failure(let error):"Failed to delete Message with id: \( due to error: \(error)")
Updated 12 months ago