User Profile Badges
A user profile badge is a badge that is linked to a user profile. A user profile can have multiple badges that can be earned or awarded. Once a badge is earned or awarded it stays linked to the user profile regardless of any changes done to the badge.
Utilizing Badges
A badge can be awarded or earned. To award a badge please use the award badge rest API.
To set up a way to earn a badge, please follow the instructions below.
The following items are required to be completed for a user to be able to earn a badge.
- Create a Reward Item
- In the Producer Suite, on the left hand side click on Rewards.
- There are three tabs, make sure you are on the tab called Items
- On the top right hand side click on the button New Reward Item
- Fill in the name and click Create
- Create a Reward Action
- In the Producer Suite, on the left hand side click on Rewards.
- There are three tabs, make sure you are on the tab called Actions
- On the top right hand side click on the button New Reward Action
- Fill in the details and click Create
- Create a Reward Table
- In the Producer Suite, on the left hand side click on Rewards
- There are three tabs, make sure you are on the tab called Tables
- On the top right hand side click on the button New Reward Table
- Fill in the name, pick a program for it to be linked to and click Create
- Once a table is created, click on it's name in the list of all Reward Tables.
- You will see a screen showing all table entries. To add a new one, click on the New Entry button
- In the New Entry modal, you will be able to pick and connect a Reward Action with a Reward Item in addition you will be able to set up a Reward Item Amount, which is the amount that will be awarded to a user when this entry is earned.
- Click Create to create a reward table entry
- Create a Badge
- In the Producer Suite, on the left hand side click on Badges.
- On the top right hand side, click on the button New Badge
- Fill in all the information and click Create
- Connect the Badge with a Reward Item
- Find the Badge you created in the Badges list
- Click on the three vertical dots on the right hand side and click Edit Badge
- In this modal you will be able to create a connection between a Reward Item and a Badge. In addition you will be able to set the Reward Item Threshold, which is the amount of points a user is required to earn this badge.
Retrieve badges earned or awarded to a user
All the badges that have been earned or awarded to a user profile can be retrieved using the code samples below
let sdk: EngagementSDK
profileID: profileID,
page: .first
) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
// print error
case .success(let receivedProfileBadges):
// show receivedProfileBadges
LiveLike.getProfileBadges({profileId: "<profile id>"})
.then(badges => console.log(badges));
val badgesClient = livelikeSdk.badges()
liveLikeCallback = object :
LiveLikeCallback<LLPaginatedResult<ProfileBadge>>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: LLPaginatedResult<ProfileBadge>?,
error: String?
) {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
liveLikeCallback = object :
LiveLikeCallback<List<ProfileBadge>>() {
override fun onResponse(
result: List<ProfileBadge>?,
error: String?
) {
Retrieving user's progress towards earning a badge
A user's progress towards a badge can be retrieved using the code examples below. Since a single badge could be setup to be earned in different ways, multiple badge progressions are linked to a single Badge.
let sdk: EngagementSDK
badgeIDs: ["<badge id>"]
) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let badgeProgression):
// show badges with badge progress
case .failure(let error):
// show the error
LiveLike.getBadgeProgress({profileId: "<profile id>", badgeIds: ["xxxx", "xxxx"]})
.then(res => console.log(res))
val badgesClient = livelikeSdk.badges()
object : LiveLikeCallback<List<BadgeProgress>>() {
override fun onResponse(result: List<BadgeProgress>?, error: String?) {
Retrieving all badges linked to an application
As an integrator you have the ability to retrieve all of the badges linked to an application. The results of this call can be used at a later time to query badge progress by passing badge ID's of interest.
let sdk: EngagementSDK
page: .first
) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
// print error
case .success(let receivedApplicationBadges):
// show receivedApplicationBadges
LiveLike.getApplicationBadges().then(res => console.log(res));
val badgesClient = livelikeSdk.badges()
object :
LiveLikeCallback<LLPaginatedResult<Badge>>() {
override fun onResponse(result: LLPaginatedResult<Badge>?, error: String?) {
//from SDK 2.79 onwards
object :
LiveLikeCallback<List<Badge>>() {
override fun onResponse(result: List<Badge>?, error: String?) {
Retrieving all profiles for a given badge
As an integrator you have the ability to retrieve all the profiles who have earned a given badge.
badgeId: "<badge Id>"
}).then(res => console.log(res))
object : LiveLikeCallback<List<ProfilesByBadge>>(){
override fun onResponse(result: List<ProfilesByBadge>?, error: String?)
result?.let {
badgeID: badgeIDInput.text!,
page: .first
) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription, preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .cancel))
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
case .success(let receivedBadgeProfiles):
//Success Block
Updated 10 months ago