Chat Messages

Get message list

This method is used to get messages of the chat room.

It takes a roomId string as an argument and returns a list of messages.
Other optional params:
includeFilteredMessages - To include messages with banned words in the response

import { getMessageList } from '@livelike/javascript'

getMessageList("<Chat Room ID>", {
  includeFilteredMessages: true
}).then(res => 
  console.log('res', res);

Send message

This method is used to send message to a chat room.

It takes an object argument with the required roomId string property.
Other arguments are
message - For text message
image_url, image_width, image_height - For image message
sender_image_url - Optional sender avatar
custom_data - Optional custom_data

import { sendMessage } from '@livelike/javascript'

const textMessage = await sendMessage({roomId:'<Chat Room ID>', message:"Hello"});

const imageMessage = await sendMessage({
  roomId:"<Chat Room ID>", 
  image_width: 50,
  image_height: 150

Send custom message

The sendCustomMessage function creates a custom message which is received by other users with the custom-message-created event.

The function takes an object argument with a chat room id string as the roomId property, and a string as the custom_data property. Passing stringified JSON as the custom_data is one way to send various types of data.

Refer API Reference for more details

import { sendCustomMessage } from '@livelike/javascript'

const customData = JSON.stringify({
  title: "Do you like this feature",
  options: [{text: "Yes"}, {text: "No"}]

const customMessage = await sendCustomMessage({
  roomId: "6834f1fd-f24d-4538-ba51-63544f9d78eb",
  custom_data: customData 

Add message listener

This method is used to listen to events that occur within a chat room.

import { addMessageListener } from '@livelike/javascript'

const onMessageCb = (data) => {
  console.log('data.event', data.event);
  console.log('data.message', data.message);

addMessageListener({roomId: "<Chat Room ID>"}, onMessageCb);

Remove message listener

This method is used to remove listeners attached using addMessageListener.

import { removeMessageListener } from '@livelike/javascript'

const onMessageCb = (data) => {
  console.log('data.event', data.event);
  console.log('data.message', data.message);
removeMessageListener({roomId: "<Chat Room ID>"}, onMessageCb);

Get message count

This method is used to get a number of messages in chat room.

It takes a roomId string as an argument and returns a object that contains a roomId as a string and count as a number.
Other optional params:
since - DateTime param
until - DateTime param

import { getMessageCount } from '@livelike/javascript'

getMessageCount('<Chat Room ID>', {since: "2020-04-16T16:29:39.158Z"})
  .then(r => console.log(r.count))

Delete message

This method is used to delete a chat message.
It takes an object argument with the required roomId and messageId, both string properties.

import { deleteMessage } from '@livelike/javascript'

  roomId: "<Chat Room ID>",
  messageId: "<Message ID>"
}).then((res) => console.log(res))

Report message

Users in chat can report messages, and those reports will show in the Moderation tab for that chat in the Producer Suite. Open the report actions menu, and select Remove to delete the reported message, or Dismiss the report if it is invalid.
The function takes an object argument with a chat room id string as a roomId property,
an object argument with a user profile id string as a profileId property,
an object argument with a user profile nickname string as a nickname property and
an object argument with a message id string as a messageId property.
All of them required.

import { reportMessage } from '@livelike/javascript'

  roomId: "<Chat Room ID>",
  profileId: "<Profile ID>",
  nickname: "<Nickname>",
  messageId: "<Message ID>",
}).then((res) => console.log(res));

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