Widget Interactions

Interaction History


Available on SDK version 2.17.2 and above

For many use-cases you may be interested in loading the user’s interaction history on a widget. You can do this by calling the loadInteractionHistory method on individual Widget Models.

pollWidgetModel?.loadInteractionHistory( object : LiveLikeCallback<List<PollWidgetUserInteraction>>(){
    override fun onResponse(interactionList: List<PollWidgetUserInteraction>?, error: String?) {
  // Returns the list of interactions of user on the widget

If you are using the timeline view, you can get the last user interaction on a widget by calling getUserInteraction() method on individual Widget Models

// Returns the last interaction of user on the widget

Interactions for which rewards have not been claimed yet

The 'getWidgetInteractionsWithUnclaimedRewards' method on the content session can be called to get a list of interactions that have not had their rewards claimed yet.

    object : LiveLikeCallback<List<PredictionWidgetUserInteraction>>() {
       override fun onResponse(
         result: List<PredictionWidgetUserInteraction>?,error: String?){
 // Returns all unclaimed interactions