Getting started with LiveLikeKotlin
This is a developers' guide for setting up LiveLike Kotlin SDK configuration for Kotlin projects. We will walk you through the installation and initialization steps. Kotlin projects could be:
- Kotlin Server Projects
- Fire OS / Fire TV
Current Version is 2.93.4
Step 1
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
:repositories [["jitpack" { :url "" }]]
Step 2
Add the dependency
implementation ''
<version> <<android-current-version>> </version>
libraryDependencies += "" % "livelike-kotlin" % "<<android-current-version>>"
For this step, you will need your Client ID to initialize the Kotlin SDK. See here to retrieve your Client ID.
The LiveLikeKotlin object is the access point for all features. You will need:
- A Client ID
- An Access Token
Access Token
The LiveLike SDK creates a new LiveLike profile and generates a User Access Token whenever initialized and each profile created counts toward a monthly active user count. You should re-use the access tokens when you can to treat returning visitors as the same user. It is highly recommended to pass the accessToken delegate as a param on SDK init and store the accessToken for persistent users count.
class Initialization {
var sdk = LiveLikeKotlin(
clientId = "8PqSNDgIVHnXuJuGte1HdvOjOqhCFE1ZCR3qhqaS",
accessTokenDelegate = object:AccessTokenDelegate{
override fun getAccessToken(): String? {
return "access-token"
override fun storeAccessToken(accessToken: String?) {
mainDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
Start a Content Session
A Content Session represents a user's subscription to a particular program (typically a live, linear TV show, game, or episode). To start a Content Session you will need a Program ID. Integrating teams are expected to create programs within the LiveLike system, either through the API or through the Producer Suite. The team should then copy the Program IDs into the relevant media metadata in their own systems so that content sessions can be started along with media playback.
val contentSession = sdk.createContentSession(
programId = "09d93835-ee52-4757-976c-ea09d6a5798c",
timecodeGetter = object:LiveLikeKotlin.TimecodeGetterCore{
override fun getTimecode(): EpochTime {
return EpochTime(0)
mainDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default, // if you are not using coroutinesDispatchers.Main, you don't have to provide uiDispatchers & chatUiDispatchers
chatMainDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
Note EochTime enables you to publish spoiler-free content with the SDK. To enable sync, you will need to provide a value (EpochTime) that represents the date/time of your media player's current playback position.
To enable sync, include EpochTime, which returns the current live timecode.
Updated 10 months ago