Chat Room Invitations

Invite User to Chat Room

You can allow the User to invite another user to a particular chat room that they are already a part of.
You can call the sendChatRoomInviteToUser method which sends an invitation to the other user where the other user could decide either to accept or reject the invitation.

import { sendChatRoomInviteToProfile } from '@livelike/javascript'

 roomId: "<Room ID>",
 profileId: "<Profile ID>"
}).then(chatRoomInvitation => console.log(chatRoomInvitation))

Delete chatroom invitation

Using deleteChatRoomInvitation API, the user who send the invitation, have a possibility to delete it, before the invited user have responded.

import { deleteChatRoomInvitation } from '@livelike/javascript'

 invitationId: "<Invitation ID>",
}).then(res => console.log(res))

Update the Invitation Status for a User

You can update the status of the invitation that the User has received using updateChatRoomInviteStatus API. invitationStatus value could be "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending".

import { updateChatRoomInviteStatus } from '@livelike/javascript'

  invitationId: "<Invitation ID>",
  invitationStatus: "accepted"
}).then(chatRoomInvitation => console.log(chatRoomInvitation))

Get List of Invitations received by the current User

This API gives you list of received invitation for the current logged in user.
invitationStatus value could be "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending".

import { getReceivedChatRoomInvitations } from '@livelike/javascript'

  invitationStatus: "pending"
}).then(paginatedInvitations => console.log(paginatedInvitations))

Get List of Invitations sent by the current User

This API gives you list of sent invitation for the current logged in user.
invitationStatus value could be "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending"

import { getSentChatRoomInvitations } from '@livelike/javascript'

  invitationStatus: "pending"
}).then(paginatedInvitations => console.log(paginatedInvitations))

Add event listener for Chat Room Invitation

Whenever a new member is invited to the Chat Room, INVITE_NEW_MEMBER event is emitted
Use this method to add event listener for the INVITE_NEW_MEMBER event.

import { addChatRoomEventListener } from '@livelike/javascript'

function onReceieveChatRoomInvitationListener(invitationEvent) {


Remove event listener for Chat Room Invitation

Use this method to remove the event listener for the INVITE_NEW_MEMBER event.

import { removeChatRoomEventListener } from '@livelike/javascript'


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