Getting Started



Before getting started with our React Native SDK, we assume you have already setup React Native environment, if not refer official React Native getting started docs.

React Native SDK

React native SDK has rich set of customisable Stock UI for you to quickly get started.
It has following peer dependencies:

  • @livelike/javascript - This is our Javascript SDK that react native SDK internally uses to connect to our engagement services
  • react
  • react-native


Supported platform dependencies

react: ^18.1.0
react-native: ^0.70.5

Installing React Native SDK

npm install -S @livelike/javascript @livelike/react-native
yarn add @livelike/javascript @livelike/react-native


Peer dependencies conflict

If your application is using react-native v0.70.5+, and you are using npm v7+, during the sdk installation you may encounter NPM throwing an error regarding the conflict of react-native versions.
To solve this conflict and install the SDK, use:
npm install -S @livelike/javascript @livelike/react-native --legacy-peer-deps


GIFs are not supported by default on Android

You will need to add com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:2.+ as an additional dependency to android/app/build.gradle


React native app setup

We support both expo and react native cli app setup

Initialise React Native SDK

To get started with react native SDK and to use any of the SDK functionality, you need to initialise the SDK with clientId.
You can either use useInit hook or init API from javascript SDK.


Make sure you have a valid Client ID

You'll need a Client ID for this step, which you learn how to do in Retrieving Important Keys.

Using useInit hook:

import { useInit, LLChat } from '@livelike/react-native';
import { ActivityIndicator } from "react-native";

const myClientId = 'your-app-client-id';

export function MyComponent(){
 const { profile } = useInit({ clientId: myClientId });
    // return loading UI
    return <ActivityIndicator/>
  // return any React naitve SDK UI component 
  return <LLChat roomId="<your-chat-room-id>"/>

Using init API:

import { init } from '@livelike/javascript';
import { ActivityIndicator } from "react-native";

const myClientId = 'your-app-client-id';

export function MyComponent(){
 const [profile, setProfile ] = useState(null);
 useEffect(() => {
   init({ clientId: myClientId })
   .then(userProfile => {
 }, [])

    // return loading UI
    return <ActivityIndicator/>
  // return any React native SDK UI component 
  return <LLChat roomId="<your-chat-room-id>"/>

We highly recommend referring Core Concepts section before going through our components and hooks documentation.

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