
A sponsor is an object that is created on the Application level in the Producer Site. Sponsor maintains a many to many relationship with Programs and Chatrooms which can be managed in the Sponsors section of your application in the Producer Site

Creating a Sponsor

  1. Head to your Application on the Producer Site
  2. Select "Sponsors" in the Sidebar
  3. Select the "New Sponsor" button on the top right hand side
  4. Enter Sponsor Name, pick a logo image to upload and select the brand color
  5. Select "Create" to finish

At this point you have a sponsor that is ready to be linked to a program.

Linking Sponsor(s) with a Program

  1. Head to your Application on the Producer Site
  2. Select "Programs" in the Sidebar
  3. Select the program you are working with
  4. Press on the vertical triple dots button of a program
  5. Select "Edit Program"
  6. Scroll to the "Linked Sponsors"
  7. Select/Unselect the Sponsor you would like to link (use ctrl select for multiple sponsor selections)
  8. Press "Update" to update Sponsor link changes that have been made to the program

Now you have Sponsors that are linked to a program.

Retrieving Application Sponsor(s) in the SDK

Get list of all sponsors created in a given application

.then((paginatedSponsors) => {
sdk.sponsorship.getByApplication(page: .first) { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let sponsors):
            //Success Block
        case .failure(let error):
            //Failure Block
sdk.sponsor().fetchForApplication(LiveLikePagination.FIRST, object : LiveLikeCallback<List<SponsorModel>>() {
    override fun onResponse(result: List<SponsorModel>?, error: String?) {

Retrieving Program Sponsor(s) in the SDK

Now that you have linked sponsor(s) to a program, you will now be able to retrieve sponsor information through our SDK interfaces.

LiveLike.getProgramSponsors({ programId: "<program id>"})
.then(paginatedSponsors => {
class HelloWorld {
  let sdk: EngagementSDK
  sdk.sponsorship.getBy(programID: <"progam id">) { result in
     switch result {
     case let .success(let sponsors):
     	//do something with sponsors
     case let .failure(error):
    object : LiveLikeCallback<List<SponsorModel>>() {
        override fun onResponse(result: List<SponsorModel>?, error: String?) {
final sponsorsList =await sdk.sponsor.fetchByProgramId(<program-id>)

Retrieving Chatroom Sponsor(s) in the SDK

LiveLike.getChatRoomSponsors({ roomId: "room-id" })
.then(paginatedSponsors => {
    chatRoomID: chatroom.roomID, 
    page: .first, 
    completion: { result in
        switch result {
            case .success(let sponsors):
                //Success Block
            case .failure(let error):
                //Failure Block
    object : LiveLikeCallback<List<SponsorModel>>() {
        override fun onResponse(result: List<SponsorModel>?, error: String?) {
