Chat Client
A Chat Client is an interface that can be used to add or invite other users to a chat room.
- Add User to a Chat Room
- Invite User to a Chat Room
- Respond to invitations
- Get List of Invitations corresponding to the User
Add User to Chat Room
As an integrator you can enable the current user to add users to chat rooms of which the current user is a member of.
You can call the addMemberToChatRoom
method which is a part of the chat
(ChatClient) object.
On successful completion, it returns a ChatRoomMember
object which contains the details of the User and Chat Room they were added to
Please Note
User can add another user to the chat room only if they are already a member of the chat room roomId, profileId: profileId) {
[weak self] result in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let member):
self.showAlert(title: "Now Member", message: member.url.absoluteString)
case let .failure(error):
self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
Receive notification for added user in Real-time
To receive real-time notifications of the User being added a Chat Room, you need to implement the ChatClientDelegate
. The method userDidBecomeMemberOfChatRoom
returns an object of type NewChatMembershipInfo
that contains all the details related to the Chat Room Membership.
class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
var sdk: EngagementSDK
override func viewDidLoad() { = self
class SomeViewController: ChatClientDelegate {
func chatClient(_ chatClient: ChatClient,
userDidBecomeMemberOfChatRoom newChatMembershipInfo: NewChatMembershipInfo) {
self.showAlert(title: "Added to Chatroom", message: "You've been added to room: \(String(describing: newChatMembershipInfo.chatRoomTitle)) by \(newChatMembershipInfo.senderNickName)")
Invite User to Chat Room
You can allow the User to invite another user to a particular chat room that they are already a part of.
You can call the sendChatRoomInviteToUser
method which is a part of the chat
(ChatClient) object.
On successful completion, it returns a ChatRoomInvitation
object which contains the details of the the Invitation. roomId, profileId: profileId) {
[weak self] result in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .success(let invitation):
self.showAlert(title: "Invitation Sent", message: invitation.url.absoluteString)
case let .failure(error):
self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription)
Receive Invitation in Real-time
To receive real-time notifications of the User being added a Chat Room, you need to implement the ChatClientDelegate
. The method userDidReceiveInvitation
returns an object of type ChatRoomInvitation
that contains all the details related to the Chat Room Invitation.
class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
var sdk: EngagementSDK
override func viewDidLoad() { = self
class SomeViewController: ChatClientDelegate {
func chatClient(_ chatClient: ChatClient, userDidReceiveInvitation newInvitationInfo: ChatRoomInvitation) {
self.showInviteAlert(title: "Invitation Received",
message: "You've been invited to room")
Update the Invitation Status for a User
You can update the status of the invitation that the User has received.
You can call the updateChatRoomInviteStatus
method which is a part of the chat
(ChatClient) object.
On successful completion, it returns a ChatRoomInvitation
object which contains the details of the Invitation with its updated status.
The function requires the ChatRoomInvitation
object and also a status
of type ChatRoomInvitationStatus
which can be of type accepted
, pending
or rejected
chatRoomInvitation: invitation,
invitationStatus: .accepted
) {
result in
switch result {
case .success(let invitation):
self.showAlert(title: "Invitation Accepted", message: "")
case .failure(let error):
self.showAlert(title: "Failed to Accept", message: error.localizedDescription)
Get List of Invitations received by the User
You can call the getInvitationsForUserWithInvitationStatus
method which is a part of the chat
(ChatClient) object to get a paginated list of the Invitations that the user has received to join Chat Rooms.
The function also requires a ChatRoomInvitationStatus
object to filter the list of invitations based on type of status.
invitationStatus: .pending,
page: .first
) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let chatRoomInvitations):
self.showAlert(title: "Chat Room Invitations Recieved", message: "No: \(chatRoomInvitations.count)")
case .failure(let error):
Get List of Invitations sent by the User
You can call the getInvitationsByUserWithInvitationStatus
method which is a part of the chat
(ChatClient) object to get a paginated list of the Invitations that the user has sent to join Chat Rooms.
The function also requires a ChatRoomInvitationStatus
object to filter the list of invitations based on type of status.
invitationStatus: .pending,
page: .first
) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let chatRoomInvitations):
self.showAlert(title: "Chat Room Invitations Sent", message: "No: \(chatRoomInvitations.count)")
case .failure(let error):
Updated 11 months ago