User Client

User Client is an interface that can be used for features related to users applicable across an application.


  • Block a User Profile
  • Unblock a User Profile
  • Get List of User Profiles that have been blocked

Block Profile

As an integrator, you can now allow users to block other users from sending invitations or adding them to chat rooms.

To enable the user to block other users, you can implement the blockProfile method which is a part of the ChatClient. It accepts a parameter profileID which corresponds to the id of the profile to be blocked.

On successful completion, the method returns an object of type BlockInfo which contains details of the profile blocked and the profile it was blocked by.

		profileID: profileID
) { result in
   	switch result {
    case .success(let blockedProfile):
            title: "Profile Blocked",
         		message: "Id:\(blockedProfile.blockedProfileID)"
    case .failure(let error):
    		self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription)

Unblock profile

As an integrator, you can now allow users to unblock users they had previously blocked from sending invitations or adding them to chat rooms.

To enable the user to unblock other users, you can implement the unblockProfile method which is a part of the ChatClient. It accepts one parameter: blockRequestID which corresponds to the id of the BlockInfo for the blocked profile.

sdk.user.unblockProfile(blockRequestID: requestID) { result in
		switch result {
    case .success(_):
    case .failure(let error):
    		self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription)

Get List of Blocked Profiles

As an integrator, you can show the user a list of all the profiles blocked by the user.

To display the list, you can implement the getBlockedProfileList method which is a part of the ChatClient. The method accepts a parameter profileID which corresponds to the id of the profile blocked which can be used as a filter for the request and is optional.

On successful completion, the method returns a paginated list of type BlockInfo which contains details of the profile blocked and the profile it was blocked by.

		blockedProfileID: profileID, 
		page: .first
) { result in
            switch result {
		case .success(let blockedProfiles):
				if blockedProfiles.count >= 1 {
            		title: "No. of Profiles:",
                message: "\(blockedProfiles.count)"
		case .failure(let error):