Widget API Methods
Web SDK contains various widget API methods which can be used to build custom widget modes
This method can be used to get published widgets for the program.
This method takes a programId as argument
programId: "*****",
// option widget attributes to get widgets based on certain attributes
widgetAttributes: [ {key: "fruit", value: "apple"} ]
}).then(res => {
console.log('res', res);
This method can be used to get interactions for the user for a given set of widgets or for the interactionUrl returned form the timeline resource.
This method takes the interactionUrl, or a programId and an array of widget's kind and id.
Please note: For followup widgets, there are no interaction. They should be attached with the interaction on their corresponding prediction
programId: "*****",
widgets: [{ kind: "cheer-meter", id:"*****"}]
This method can be used to execute any callback when a widget is received on the program channel.
{programId: "*****"},
(e) => console.log(e)
This method is used to remove listeners attached using addWidgetListener
LiveLike.removeWidgetListener({programId: "*****"}, widgetHandler);
This method can be used to get any published widget using its id and kind.
LiveLike.getWidget({ id: "******" , kind: "*****" }).then(widgetPayload =>
This method can be used to get interactions for widgets that have not yet had their rewards claimed.
const widgets = document.querySelector('livelike-widgets');
widgets.getUnclaimedRewards().then(widgetInteractions =>
This method can be used to fetch paginated List of Widgets filtered by widget status and kind.
This method takes a programId as a mandatory argument.
Other optional parameters to filter the widget list are widget status, ordering, interactivity and an array of widget's kind.
programId: "xxxx",
status: "pending", //Valid status values are 'scheduled', 'pending', 'published'
widgetKinds: ["text-poll"],
ordering: "recent", //Valid ordering values are 'recent'
interactive: true //Valid interactive values are true, false
// option widget attributes to get widgets based on certain attributes
widgetAttributes: [ {key: "fruit", value: "apple"} ]
}).then(res => console.log(res));
Updated 9 months ago