Chat Room Memberships (Web)

Once a profile joins a room, they are a member of that room until they leave it. Joining a room is useful because the list of room memberships can be maintained per-user and looked up across sessions and devices.

A user does not have to be a member of a room to enter it and send messages.


Use of chatroom memberships?

Use memberships to keep track of users in a given room, to identify common chatroom between list of user profiles etc.

Get chatroom memberships for the current user

Use getProfileChatRoomMemberships API to get list of chat room memberships the current profile is member of. This returns a Promise that resolves a list of all memberships present for the current user.

.then(res => console.log(res.results))

Get common chatroom between mulitple users

Pass profileIds argument property togetProfileChatRoomMemberships API for getting list of chat room memberships that reflects common chatroom between the provided profileIds.

// This gives memberships for a chat rooms
// where profile-id-1, profile-id-2 and profile-id-3 are already a member
// useful for finding common chat room between list of users
  profileIds: ["<profile-id-1>", "<profile-id-2>", "<profile-id-3>"]
}).then(res => console.log(res.results))

Get chatroom memberships for a given chat room

Returns a Promise that resolves a list of all memberships present on a given chat room.

  roomId: "<Chat Room ID>"
}).then(res => console.log(res.results))

Join a chat room

Adds a membership for the current user for the chat room that is supplied by the room id argument. Returns a Promise that resolves the membership info object.

LiveLike.joinChatRoom({roomId: "<Chat Room ID>"})
  .then(membership => console.log(membership))

Leave a chat room

Removes the current user's membership from the chat room that is supplied by the room id argument. Resolves a Boolean.

LiveLike.leaveChatRoom({roomId: "<Chat Room ID>"})
  .then(success => console.log(success))

Add new member to chat room

Use this method to add other users to chat rooms.
The method takes an object argument with a chat room id string as a roomId property,
an object argument with a user profile id string as a profileId property.


Please note

User can add another user to the chat room only if they are already a member of the chat room, use joinChatRoom API for becoming a member.

  roomId: "<Chat Room ID>",
  profileId: "<Profile ID>"
}).then(membership => console.log(membership))

Add event listener for Chat Room Membership

Whenever a new member is added to the Chat Room, ADD_NEW_MEMBER event is emitted
Use this method to add event listener for the ADD_NEW_MEMBER event

function onReceieveNewMemberListener(newMemberEvent) {


Remove event listener for Chat Room Membership

Use this method to remove the event listener for the ADD_NEW_MEMBER event
